kabsac Deals in Following Products

PV panels
Photovoltaic (PV) panels are used to produce electricity directly from sunlight. PV panels consist of several individual cells connected to produce electricity of a desired voltage. Photovoltaic panels are inherently DC devices. To produce AC, there must be used together with an inverter.

Kabsac provide you five types of batteries
Lead acid Battery
A lead acid battery consists of a negative electrode made of spongy or porous lead.
Dry Battery
A dry-cell battery is a device made of one or more electrochemical cells that convert stored chemical energy into electrical energy.
Gel Battery
A gel battery ("gel cell") is a VRLA battery with a gelified electrolyte; the sulfuric acid is mixed with silica fume
Tabular battery
Tabular battery are specially design for solar and costly
Lithium ion batteries
Lithium ion batteries are also very expensive

inverter converts DC to AC, and also changes the voltage. In other
words, it is a power adapter. It allows a battery-based system to run
conventional appliances through conventional home wiring.